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Cookies Policy

A cookie is simply a piece of text that our website asks to store on your device, so our website can remember information about you, for example your language preference or login information. There are “session cookies” that are deleted when you close your browser, and there are “persistent cookies” that remain on your device over a longer period of time.

On this website, we use cookies ourselves (these are called “first party cookies”) and also allow other companies to use cookies on our behalf for our advertising and marketing purposes (these cookies are called “third party cookies”).

We use cookies to better understand how the website is used, in particular to analyse use trend, to track your movements around the site and to gather demographic information about our user base as a whole.

We may receive reports from other companies on an individual as well as aggregated basis. Cookies may tell us whether you have visited the website before or whether you are a new visitor. If you reject cookies, you may have limited features or functionality on our website.

You can opt-out of each cookie category (except strictly necessary cookies) by clicking on the “cookie settings” button below:

Below is a detailed list of the cookies we use on our website.