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two researchers speaking in a lab

Scientific collaborations

In our mission to help patients with rare immunological conditions, we see the collaboration with scientific and medical experts around the world as a key component for the successful outcome of our work.

Modern medical advances are driven by the close interaction of academia, biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies, and we sit at that intersection, supporting the transformation of cutting-edge science into therapeutic innovations that can transform the lives of patients with rare immunologic conditions and create sustainable value for patients, shareholders, and societies.

Cedars Sinai logo
Johns Hopkins University logo
NYU Langone Medical Center logo
University of Oxford logo
Necker Hospital University logo
Lund University logo
Uppsala University logo

Out-licensing collaborations

Heparin binding protein assay

The Heparin Binding Protein Assay for measurement of heparin binding protein (HBP) in plasma is a diagnostic method originally developed and patented by researchers at Lund University in collaboration with Hansa to assist in predicting severe sepsis in patients with infectious disease symptoms at the emergency units of hospitals. Severe sepsis affects 300 of 100,000 people annually. Many of these infections can be effectively treated with antibiotics to prevent progression to severe sepsis. The HBP assay has been out-licensed by Hansa to UK-based Axis-Shield Diagnostics, a subsidiary of Abbott. Hansa Biopharma holds the right to royalty payments from Axis-Shield.

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